This question comes up over and over again. With a global doctor shortage, how do we recruit and retain physicians without having to lock them into unrealistic commitment restraints?
The answers are really quite simple. And proven effective.Â
1. Be a Tour Guide!
Whether it’s yourself directly, or others in the company or community, provide local knowledge, show the physician (and family) around, give them a tour of your facility, but also the highlights and charms of your community. What kind of information would you be looking for if you were moving to a new town, city, or perhaps country? What would you want to know? If you are a small community, give them the unique info they won’t find on TripAdvisor.ca. Is there a local secret spot for the best breakfast in town? A unique Sunday drive location to take the family? What excites you about your community will surely delight newcomers. This is your chance to show off your community!
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