
Finance / HR Manager

Email: sheemah@physiciansforyou.com 


Hello, my name is Sheemah Kjos. I am the Finance / HR Manager here at Physicians for You. I come from a diverse background in small business proprietorship, hospitality, and Canadian tax preparation. I have been fortunate to have worked with many high quality teams and I am delighted to be working with this team of professionals, who are dedicated and strive for excellence in everything they do.

Canadian born and raised, I have lived in cities and towns across Alberta, British Columbia and internationally as well. I love to travel, experience life, and meet wonderful people. When I am not working, I love spending time with my family and friends enjoying everything that this beautiful province of British Columbia has to offer like cross country skiing, hiking, water sports and outdoor adventure.

Top 5 reasons why I love living in Canada

Liberty & Opportunity

Youthful Vibe

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Diverse Landscape & Culture

Generosity of People

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